A Nursery For Baby

When my pregnancy started to become more and more problematic, I knew there was a strong possibility that I would need to stay in the hospital long-term before birth. I was right! But one goal that I was determined to accomplish before Dawson arrived was finishing his nursery. I knew that he would not be sleeping in his nursery upon arrival and that there was no telling when he would actually transition to his own bed but I still wanted him to have a place of his own in our home.

I know he is only a baby and would never know the difference but I think the importance stems from my own lack of personal space as a child. Don’t get me wrong here, I had every toy that I could dream of and plenty of freedom to roam about our home as I wished but the one thing that I did not have was my own bedroom. Or at least not until the second grade. It was something that I always dreamt of; a room where I could keep all of my things wherever I wanted, decorate the way I wanted, where I could watch all of my “shows” without being interrupted and where I could just go and read a book on my bed without being in someone’s way. I should also admit here that when I did finally get my own bedroom, I was excited about doing everything there, aside from sleeping. I was really not a fan of sleeping by myself, but I digress. The point here is that I worked really hard, with help from my husband and other family members to ensure that my baby boy’s nursery would be completed before he came home.

So, I started with his changing table and crib. I had it all picked out, because I had been looking since forever. We went to purchase at Rooms to Go several months in advance and I’m really glad we did, because it was on back-order for two months. Then, when it finally did arrive the deliverymen damaged it bringing it upstairs. Let’s just say over the course of two weeks Rooms to Go had to come to our home 4 times before they finally got everything right. 

I then took a few days to pick out a paint color and was able to have the room painted the same week. My husband’s cousin has a painting business and is amazing. He came to our home on a Friday night and within five or six hours max, he had completed the entire nursery and adjoining bathroom.

I had initially registered for a very overpriced glider at buybuyBaby but thankfully ended up finding the perfect one at Target before our shower, for $400 less, and we were able to purchase it on our own. There were a few odds and ends that I purchased on Amazon, of course I had to purchase more at Target and I managed to snag a few things from At Home.

With all this said, the part of his nursery that I love the most is his collage wall. I knew exactly what I wanted to do but just needed to find the right pieces. As soon as I walked down the isle in Hobby Lobby it was right there. I felt like it was all just there waiting for me! It was the very first store that we had gone in for the day so my mom tried to convince me to look around more but I knew it was destined and that God knew I was too tired, too hot and too pregnant to be out all day running to a bunch of different stores. And then blessings on blessings because my little sister and cousin came to hang everything for me, right where I wanted, so I would not have to lift a little pregnant finger. They didn’t even complain after moving the same piece over and over.

Anyways, I absolutely love my baby’s nursery and I think he does too. My husband even likes it, which is only surprising because he is typically pretty lackadaisical and doesn’t get excited often (We really balance each other out). So, while Dawson is not sleeping in his nursery, we still spend time there every day. We do some tummy time in his crib, change all of his diapers on his changing table, get him dressed and bathed there, etc. I also use his glider to get him to sleep there every night and do his mid-night and morning feedings. The room in general actually gets used more than my own bedroom now that I think about it!

I said all this to say that Dawson’s nursery is beloved for many reasons but I think the main reason is all the love and time that was spent by our family making sure his nursery was a special place that would be his own.